yang suka conteng

amek nie........


taggie time.....

1st tag from zatie..

1.Apakah hubungan awak dan dia?

# member blogger..hehe

2.5 impressions terhadap dia?

# kanak2 rebina??
# happy go lucky??

# nakal??
# sweet??
# chumel??

3.Perkara paling memorable yang dilakukan kat awak?

# when she became my follower..haha

4.perkara paling memorable yang dia kata pada awak?

# alamak..pe ek..tyme dier soh kim salam kat my kekasih gelap?? hahaha

5. Kalau dia kekasih awak.. awak akan...?

# x kan arrr..

6. Kalau dia jadi musuh awak.. awak akan..?

# benci dier kaw2 punya??????????? hahaha

7. Kalau dia kekasih awak..

# kan da kate x mungkin td..eish..

8. Kalau dia musuh awak..

# pe lg nk wat ek..haaaaaaaaa..nk buli dier smpai nangis..hahaha

9. overall impression ttg dia..

# gila2 punya owg ;)

10.The most desirable thing to do to her /him..

# akan d pk an pd ms akan dtg ;)

11. Apakah awak rasa tentang pandangan org terhadap awk?

# sombong plus bajet bgos coz owg slalu ckp cm2 ble 1st tyme jmpe bbc..hurm..

12. the character of you for yourself?

# emo lbey..x ramai owg tw bbc nie berhati tisu sbnrnyer..huhu..senang koyak..once da koyak x ley nk smbg blik an..

13. On contrary, the character you hate about you..

# cobalah untuk setia..eyh..bukan2..cobalah untuk peramah..haaaaaaa..bru btol..

14. The most ideal person you want to be with?

# owg tersayang

15. For people who like you, tell sumthing about them..

# i like u too bebeh .!!!!!!!!!!

16. Ten people you tag:

# key ( nk balas dendam balik..lala )

klo nk tag 2 owg nie je ley x?? then soklan yg kat bwh nie kire kte ulang2 je name 2 manusia nie blik ek..hahahahaha

17. no 2 ade hubungan dgn sape?

# spe arr 2 agaknya?????????

18. is no 3 male or female?

# yg pasti dua2 wanita

19. if no 5 and no 7 ade relationship?

# x mungkin terjadi coz dua2 gurl arr

20.Macam mane dgn no5 dan no 8 pula?

# same arr coz de 2 name je ats 2..hahaha

21. no 4 single kah?

# kowg dua nie single kah???????????????

22. no 1 belajar apa?

# blaja kat salon..best an..

23. say sumtin about no 6..

# kire tok dua2 skali arr ek..bg adil..
kowg mmg mangse tag bbc..hahahaha

24. no 9 kelakar tak?

# yg pasti dua2 best..lala

alhamdulillah..abis pown..hehe..


nie tag membunuh secara kejam from key lak..

001.REAL NAME : amira handayani binti tamrin

002.NICK NAME : bulan bintang capricorn a.k.a bbc

003.AGE : 18

004.ZODIAC SIGN : op kos capricorn..

005.MALE or FEMALE : female selamenyer

006.ELEMENTARY : tadika islam darul tarbiyyah islamiah,tmn melewar,gombak..haha..bgos gle..igt lg 2..

007.MIDDLE SCHOOL : sekolah kebangsaan sentul (1),sentul

008.HIGH SCHOOL : sekolah menengah kebangsaan puteri wilayah,kampung bharu

009.COLLEGE : comming soon..still unknown lg

010.HAIR COLOUR : itam rasenyer

011.LONG or SHORT : short..haha..ske..

012. Loud or Quit : depends arr

013. Sweats or Jeans : maknenyer??????????

014. Phone or Camera : camera..hehe

015. Health Freak : wat pe nk tw??

016. Drink or Smoke: makan

017. Do you have a crush on someone : kompom de

018. Eat or Drink : tido

019. Piercings : sangat??

020. tattoos : haram arr

021. Social or Anti-Social : agk2 anti-sosial arr gak

022. First Piercing : lupe sudahh

023. First Relationship : lame dahh

024. First Best Friend : nabila..ayu..nie mmber tyme hingus mleleh lg..now da x tw kt mane deme nie..

025. First Award : lupe arr..sungguh..

026. First Kiss : ngan mama..tyme bru kuar dr birth canal.huhu

027. First Pet : 2 ekor arnab yg chumel gle..now da xde da..

028. First Big Vacation : g konvo kat PD ngan sedare2 sume..umo bru 6 taun kowt..

029. First Love at First Sight : coming soon kowt..

030. First Big Birthday : tyme umo setahun..


031. Eating : nasi ngan gulai ayam..wahh..rs nk mkn lg je nie..

032. Drink : air putih yg baek tok kesihatan

033. Excitement Level: high

034. I'm about to : live wit hapiness

035. Listening to : mp3 ; aduhai seribu kali sayang..iklim

036. Plan for today : g klas driving kol 4 kang

037. Waiting for : keje ??

038. Energy Level : undefined

039. Thinking of Someone : sum1 special

040. Want Kids? : kawin dlu arr..wee

041. Want to Get Married? : yg pasti not now

042. Careers in Mind?: pape je asalkan ley kaya

Which is better in the boy/girl you like,

Lips or Eyes? : smile..sgt sng tgoda ngan smile owg

069. Romantic or Funny? : funny better kowt

Shorter or Taller? : taller arr..ckop2 arr bbc yg kurang ketinggian

Protective or Caring? : protective larhh

072. Romantic or spontaneous : kli nie bru romantic

Nice Stomach or Nice Arms? : nk dua2.............

Sensitive or Loud? : manja

Hook-up or Relationship? : scandle??

Trouble Maker or Hesitant? : neither

Have you ever,

080. Lost glasses or contacts : penah arr gak

081. Ran away from home: 2 blom penah lg..coming soon??

082. Held a gun/knife for self defence : x gak rsnyer

083. Killed Somebody : akan datang

084. Broken somenone's heart : penah ke??

085. Been arrested : x tringin lak

087. Cried when someone died : nth

Do you believe in,

089. Yourself : of kos arr

090. Miracles : lg arr op kos..haha

091. Love at first sight : x pown..hurm

092. Heaven : yeah2

093. Santa Claus : x perlu kowt

094. Tooth Fairy : lg arr x perlu

095. Kiss in The First Date : x de maknenyer..penampar nk??


097. Is there someone you would want to be with right now? : hehe..ade arr gak

098. Are you seriously happy with where you're in life now? : op kos.!!!!!!!

099. Do you believe in God? :Allah e2 1 tetap d aty..

amekkkkkkkkkkkkk..99 soklan..npe x bg genap sratos je key..huhu..btol2 kejam tahap membunuh an..xpe2..tunggu serangan balas bbc..lalala

n now nk pass tag nie kat owg lak..hahahaha

# aina ( absolutely..haha )
# asis ( thx 2 b my follower )
# zatie ( award di balas tag..lalala )

nota kechik chumel : bbc still x ley nk upload award from jiha , zatie n sis pinat.pe masalah ek???????

..bulan bintang capricorn..


keSENGALan teserlah.. said...

nek sempot bce soklan2 tagged nieh..
gile punye banyak..
asal x seratos tros??
mne la sis key dapt tagged nieh..
xpasal2 zatie lak kene..
akn dbuat..but amek mse ye bbc..soklan manyak sgt..

bulan bintang capricorn said...

to zatie : haaaaaaa..2 arr pe yg bbc rs tyme sis key pass tag nie kat bbc..huhu..byk an..sgt x ley lak..haha..its ok..take ur tyme ;)