lme gle an x update blog..huhu

nk updated pown takat nk jwp tag je

tag from jiha ( bbc pilih nk jwp tag yg nie

1. How old are you?
** 18 years young..hahaha

2. Are you single?
** msty arr yupp2..single 2 bujang an..hehe

3. At what age do you think you’ll get married?
** lg 6 or 7 taun insyallah..xmo arr lmbt2..rugi..hahahahahhaa

4. Do you think you’ll marrying the person you are with now?
** with yg de skrung nie?? spe?? my kekasih gelap?? oh x kn arr kowtt..
5. If not, who do you want to marry?
** spe2 yg msok meminang dlu..hahaha

6. Who will be your bridesmaid & bestman?
** my big 'family'..onyang , nenek , mak cik , sepupu , kakak ngan kapel dierowg masing2..hehe
7. Do you want a garden/beach or traditional wedding?
** bbc ske beach tp x kn nk akad nikah kt tepi pantai lak..cm x pnh d wat owg je..tp..orite gak 2..unik sket kowt bbc je yg wat akad nikah kat tepi pantai..hahaha
8. Where do you plan to go on honeymoon?
** mne2 island yg de kt dunia nie..x keshah yg penting de pantai..
9. How many guests do you think you’ll invite?
** sedare plus mmber2 sume ramai gle..dlm seribu kowt..
10. Will that include your exes?
** msty arr msok skali..biar dier tw yg bbc pown ley bahagia even tnpa dier..
11. How many layers of cake do you want?
** perlu ke byk2 layer?? nth..tgk arr t cmne..
12. When do you want to get married, morning or evening?
** ptg arr..bbc ssh bgon pg..hahaha
13. Name the song/tune you’d like to play at your wedding?
** lagu dangdut..ewahhh.. aku bernyanyi kau petik gitar..hehe
14. Do you prefer fine dining or just normal spoon & fork?knife?
** yg normal2 sudey...
15. Champagne or red wine?** sirap arr..eish
16. Honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?
** kne tnyer future hubby lo0rhh..ikot dier coz dier yg support sume..hahahahaha
17. Money or household items?
** nk dua2 ley..hehe
18. How many kids would you like to have?
** klo ley nk 3..tp kne de kembar..i luv twins..
19. Will you record your honeymoon in DVD/CD
** e2 dah semestinyer..wajib 2..
20. Whose wedding plan would you like to know next?
** zatie
** aina
** key
tag from sis pinat
1) Apakah nama blog anda sekarang dan kenapa anda memilih nama itu?
** and the story begin.....
--> coz kat sini arr bbc luah an sume..pe yg jd dlm idop bbc..
2) Apakah link blog anda sekarang dan bagaimana boleh timbul idea untuk menamakannya seperti itu?
** http://messy-miss-me.blogspot.com/
--> tyme wat 2 bbc ngah messy gle n miss owg..hehe..jd arr gituu..simple ryte..
3) Apakah 'method' penulisan dalam blog anda?
** sme cam sis pinat..menulis je..jarang letak pic..klo rjin n de yg lawa,bru bbc letak..
4) Pernah terasa nak hapuskan blog anda? Sebabnya?
** x penah tniat pown nk hapuskan..da wat ssh2 mne ley men sng2 je nk hapuskan..eish
5) Apakah pendapat anda mengenai blog kepada pemilik blog yang tag anda ni?
** teratak sis pinat?? cute seyh.. fashionholic gitu..hehe
nk tag spe ek tok bnde alah nie..haaaaaaaaa..AINA..aku pass kt ko sowg je nie..hahahhaha

..bulan bintang capricorn..
xley bla ko..
due2 tagged ko tagged aku..
pling xley blah tageed kedua tu ko tagged aku sowg..
apa deyyyy???
ok2 wait n see je laa jwp aku..
thanks kerana menge'tagged' aku sowg je..
aku rsa sgt2lah dihargai..
(pdahal aty ni begkek je sbb ak sowg je kne..kalo de geng xpe gak..)
adeh~ tag pule~
to aina : nsib ko arr..aku mmg baek aty bg kt ko je..hahahaha
to key : hehehe..jwp lo0rhh..especially for u..lalala
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